tiistai 24. tammikuuta 2012


Siinä Taeyang ja GD.. Uutisen linkki alapuolella :D


Lunar New Year Greetings!

“Hello. What’s up 2NE1! Happy new year. Again, we will show you 2NE1’s positive sides, so please expect the best of us. In 2012, we will try to be an even better 2NE1. We are very thankful that you have always supported us. Please be healthy.”


“We will strive to live up to our group name, Big Bang, and show you our best sides.” (G-Dragon)
“We will be the best in the world. Please keep watching us.” (Taeyang)

#darahan se siinä :D
Ja viesti oli:

"The sufferring of bare faced Dara. I should go to rehersal without make-up on. If I wear a hat, it'll get sweaty when I dance. If I wear sunglasses, they'll fall off. So, I am forced to cover my face. I'm gonna dance hard."

I'd rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I'm not. <Kurt Cobain> 다른 누군가가 되어서 사랑받기보다는 있는 그대로의 나로서 미움받는 것이 낫다.<커트 코베인>

juu enpä tiedä miks laitoin tänne >.<.. xd

3, Dara said that if Taeyang was not taeyang and she wasn't who she is, she might think of going out with him.

hahah XD

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