maanantai 23. tammikuuta 2012

Gina Choi & 2NE1!!

ömh, no siinä siis Gina Choi :D
..Ja 2NE1 kuvia..



joo päätinpä laittaa kuvan tosta popcorn-lehdestä.. ihan 2NE1:n takia vaan ~

siinä teille taas dara :)


kaikki viisaimmat ovatkin jo varmaan lukenut ton uutisen mut tungempa silti mukaan..
Ja muutenki vanha :D

2NE1 Helps Hearing Impaired Children 

2NE1 became angels when they helped out with an event for hearing impaired children on January 18. 2NE1 arrived at the Yonsei Severance Hospital and gave a donation while giving a cheerful message for the children.
The event was not only held for hearing impaired children but also other children of the ward and their families. 2NE1 gave out gifts and also held an autograph event.
2NE1’s Minzy stated that day, “I am so happy that I have the opportunity to spend my birthday with you all.” The leader CL stated, “Thank you for giving us a chance to help out this way. I hope that we will be able to help out on a regular basis.”
2NE1 donated $20,000 to the hospital to help with the fees of purchasing hearing aids. The children need to wear hearing aids 3 months prior to receiving surgery to see if there is a chance for improvement. Often times, families do not have enough money for the hearing aids.
This charitable act is the first of its kind after YG Entertainment and the Severance Hospital had agreed to work together.

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