tiistai 24. tammikuuta 2012

BoA, f(x) & BIGBANG!

BoA is looking for the Twitter user, “boakwon”..?

Looks like international superstar BoA has found herself quite a predicament: after seeking to change her current Twitter username @BoA_1105, to her real name @boakwon, the singer unexpectedly came across a problem.
On January 23rd, BoA tweeted, “Wanna change my twitter Account as “boakwon”, but it’s been already taken… Hmm.. Who’s using this… Can we exchange?! Lol
After an attempt, she tweeted again, saying, “I tried to change…It said Username has already been taken…@boakwon WHO ARE YOU?????????
Though the @boakwon page appears to be nonexistant right now, BoA was unable to switch her name. It’s possible (and quite ironic) that a fan of the singer signed up with this username long before.
Ahead of this, BoA also showed off a little traditional holiday spirit by tweeting, “I want to wear a hanbok too. Will I be able to wear it next year?”
@boakwon, who are you? BoA would like a few words with you!

allkpopista kopsattu :DD jaa, että tällästä tänään.. Ja alapuolella sit BoA ~

Joo ja sit alapuolella taas f(x):st Victoria. Uutinen:

Big Bang's Comeback in February Expected to Be "Biggest Ever"

Big Bang’s comeback won't come until February, but strong buzz buoyed by fans’ excitement and a high level of anticipation has already surrounded this piece of news. Even now, the comeback, first announced to have been scheduled in March has pushed forward to a month earlier.
VIPs and K-Pop enthusiasts are even more interested with news that Big Bang’s imminent comeback is going to be “the biggest ever.” Local news agencies report that Big Bang’s management agency, YG Entertainment, is gearing up to mount the biggest ever promotions for the five-member group’s return to the music scene.
The news throws support behind YG Entertainment big boss Yang Hyun Suk’s earlier statement on giving his heart and soul for Big Bang in 2012. “My first priority this year is Big Bang,” he had said. “I have been putting all my concentration towards Big Bang’s songs.”
“The past year was difficult,” local news agencies also quote him as saying. “But thanks to these experiences, we’ve learned more and become more mature.”
It is only a few more days until February so the excitement among fans and music industry watchers alike is palpable. Member Taeyang adds even more fuel to the fire with his tweet (@RealTaeyang) on January 24, saying “THE SUN WILL RISE.”

© soompi

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